Sunday, September 13, 2009

Busy busy!

Sooo this wknd was so fun! We camped out in the tailgating lot Friday night for the ISU/Iowa game Saturday. UnFORTUNATELY state lost big time.. but it was one of the best tailgates ever! I got 2 hours of sleep in Tom's jeep which I was so grateful for.
I got to see some of my favorite girls of all time: Jenna, Jerra, Kelly, Morgan, Ashley, and Sam!! It was so fun. Last night we took it easy and watched movies. Today I got a LOT of done including work, schoolwork, cleaning, alone time with Mikey, and some downtime too :) Only one week til I get to see my sister and NEVER*MIND!! I can't wait! I have sooo much to do this week but am feeling pretty dang optimistic.
In other news: Dianna and I decided her birthday party will be Jungle Themed. As in dress as your favorite wild animal. I'm thinking of being a panther or an elephant (either a sleek black or gray dress with according animal ears...) D's gonna be a pink flamingo! Cuuuute! It's going be so fun. I'm gonna start the facebook event for it right now. Rawk!
Until next time,
look your best, feel your best, and act your best!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Vegas baby!

So today was a MUCH better day!
This morning I ordered my Victoria Secret order. BUT I did cut it down to about $130 instead of $200. Figured if I still want the rest of the items in a month I'll get them.Went to class (got there early! holllerrr), did some work, had lunch in the park with mikey, decided since our roomate Tim always sleeps on the couch and NEVER sleeps in his big comfortable bed to switch our mattresses, (we'll see how long it takes him to notice! LOL!) took a nap, went to work- trained a new part time girl, Barb. She was refreshing. She caught on to everything so quickly! THEN i just not bought my ticket to Vegas to go see my sister, and I'll get to see my brother-in-law's band Never*Mind ( play at the House of Blues @ Mandalay Bay! HOLLLLLERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
Not to mention tomorrow I get a girls night with Katie & Alicia in Ames and I don't work again til Tuesday. Also, the Iowa State vs. Iowa football game is Saturday and a bunch of us are camping out in the tailgating line Friday night. YAY!
I guess its good yesterday was crummy, cause today rawked. And without crappy days, we don't truly appreciate awesome ones.
Well, sleep tight!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Uh oh, here comes the truth

I try to be positive. But sometimes you just feel downright crummy.
I don't know what it is. But today was just sucky. I didn't look my best, I didn't feel my best, and I didn't act my best. Crap. I slept in and missed my first class. I made it to the other 3, but still just felt off. I didn't get to eat all day until 3. Maybe thats why I was cranky. Then I worked until now.
I am so freaking blessed. I have so many great things in my life. But today was just off damnit.
SO. I want to do my homework, go to bed, and have a BETTER day tomorrow!
Thanks for listening!
Nigh nigh.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day! Thank you for your labor.

Well today was just plain lazy! Woke up about 10:45.. just laid in bed for another hour with Mike. I would make animal noises and he would try and guess what it was. I'd have to say the hardest one I did was terradactyl. But he ended up getting it! After like 10 tries. Then I played games on my computer all day and did homework. We're on our way back to Des Moines now. I've been texting the whole time with Dianna. We're trying to decide what celebrity girl twosome we're going to be for her birthday party next month. They have to be hot, and brunette- any suggestions?! Right now we're thinking of being Catherine Zeta Jones (for sprint) and the Progressive girl… hahaha!

Also today I put everything I've been wanting from Victorias for years in my shopping bag. (well, not EVERYTHING, but a lot.) Ended up being $275.04…. yikes! But they're running a special where I'd get 75 off that amount.. PLUS look at what all I'd get: FOUR (count em FOUR) pairs of jeans! (i LOVE their jeans), one pair of dress pants, a black corset top I've wanted forever (totally classier than it sounds), a blue/white pinstripe puff sleeved ruffle in the front work shirt i've wanted forever, a black eyelet lace dress i've wanted forever, a cute v-neck fall top, AND a dark khaki (hickory) safari-type fall jacket. HELLO?! Plus, I've been working my ass off lately. So I really think I'm going to do it. I slept on it last night, and I'm going to again tonight, but I'm pretty sure I deserve it and it WOULD totally be an investment in my wardrobe. (Am I being rational? Or just convincing myself I'm being rational? ha!)

Update: We just gpt home and went and saw the movie Gamers with the boys. A little disturbing, but good. Gerard Butler is at the TOP of my sexy man that isn't mike list. MmmHmmmmmm.

Well I hope you all had a fantabulous wknd. Back to the grind tomorrow but excited for my dinner/movie night with Katie Thursday!! w00t w00t!

Until next time,

look your best, feel your best, act your best!


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bexten Family Reunion

Happy Labor day wknd! What are YOU up to this wknd? Hope it's something that will be fun and relaxing!
Mikey and I came to Maniller today and immediately met the rest of the family at the park. Since mike's dad, John, has 8 siblings- there are around 80 people on the Bexten side of the fam. Each one is funny, friendly, and fun. Which rawks. I cannot believe I stressed for even a minute about not bringing something with us since it was a potluck. We filled 5 tables full of food.. and it is all soooooo (unhealthy) GOOD! Here are some that I can remember: 7 layer dip, pasta salad, corn salsa, pickle wraps, bbq pork sandwiches, pot roast, baked beans, potato salad, macaroni salad, meatballs, scotcharoos, cookies, cake and my FAVORITE- batman cookies. (hungry yet?!)
WHAT are batman cookies you ask?! Well actually, they are the no-bake chocolate cookies. I call them batman cookies because when I was in the 1st grade I was at the Mayes' house and David (my first crush, besides maybe Jonathon Taylor Thomas..) was upset. At the time, his favorite superhero was Batman. Rod, his dad, told him that if he would eat one of these cookies he would have all the power Batman has. David's eyes were wide with excitement. After this, I just grew up calling them batman cookies. I think it's part of the reason they taste so good - because they have a certain nostalgia that accompanies their wonderful taste.
We were at the reunion a long time playing bags, washers, horse shoes, volleyball, football, bocci ball, sitting and catching up, and playing with babies. It was so fun!
Around 5 Mike's dad, his sisters' boyfriends, his uncle Aaron, himself and I went golfing! I love golf. I am not very good, but I'm not too shabby either. Golf is a cruel mistress- she can trick you into thinking you're awesome, then next shot you biff it into the tree that is BEHIND YOU?! haha but mostly I love being out in nature. And at the M&M course (Manning/Manilla) there are corn fields and cows surrounding you, I love it.
Such a fun day - I hope yours was equally as fun!
Until next time,
look your best, feel your best, act your best!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

NOW I'm cool.

So today (thanks to my mom!) I got a MacBook Pro laptop! :) It's awesome. Now I can go to coffee shops and fit in. Right? haha... Too bad I don't like coffee. And I HATE shops. ;)
So I'm super pumped to use it all the time and actually keep up on my blog and do amazingly well in school this year.
Tomorrow Mike and I are going to Manilla. (Mike's hometown, about 2 hours west of Ames- population 800ish..) We're having a Bexten family reunion. Should be fun!! And since Mondays a holiday I'm hoping we'll get to do some golfing!!! I started golfing probably a year ago- wish so much that I'd started sooner! I love it, I suck, but I love it. Mikey bought me some (pink!) clubs last Christmas, and I took some lessons I got for my birthday from the fam- so much fun.
I didn't get to hang out with one of my best friends Katie like I wanted to Friday, got called into work. :( Suck. But I want to plan a dinner/movie night with her next week. I miss my friends so much!
Had lunch w/ m&d @ Famous Daves today. Don't ask me how my mom turned out vegan and I'm a carnivore. She said I haven't been "enlightened." I said she has been "corrupted." haha
Well, super tired from work (made an all time record tonight! $$$) so I bid you goodnight!
Until next time,
look your best, feel your best, act your best!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Hey everyone, come and see how good I look!

->It's me, Cassie. My best friend Dianna inspired me to create my first ever blog. Thanks d!
->I've always sucked at keeping a journal, but I'm determined to make keeping up with my blog a different story. I'm going to spit the truth, complain/vent about my troubles (hopefully not too often though), and completely brag about the everyday magical and positive things that happen in my life. I love my life, I live for happy, and I strive for laughter. 
->Guess what! This is what has been going on with me lately: I graduated from Ames High in January of 2007. I went to DMACC for a year. I went to Iowa State University for a year. Then I was going to move to Brooklyn, NY with my sister/niece/boyfriend. NY didn't work out. I wanted to continue my education out there but OMG a SEMESTER at NYU is $18,000?!?! I love school, and I loved NY, but not enough to send me into 70 years of debt. Nu uh no thank you. SO! My boyfriend and I moved in with our best friends Tim and Tom in Des Moines and I'm back at DMACC pursuing Marketing. We live in a totally cute old house and I love each one of my boys. 
->At the end of July I got a job in Des Moines working at the Ramada Inn & Suites off I-80. It's brand new, and totally awesome. I was first hired to help the owner's daughter (owner is Don Weiseler, daughter is Shelly) start up the gift shop. The Weiselers live in Rapid City, SD and when they went back after a week of my working, I took over and started the gift shop from scratch! It was incredible. I loved being in control, diving into things and having to figure them out for myself, meeting with wonderful wholesales reps, and working my tush off. ANYWAY! I am now the gift shop manager (we're open now!) and I do enjoy it. I have been working 60 hour weeks, but since school started full time I'm TRYING to work less. 
->Needless to say, I'm one busy bee. I've always been, but now I am more so than ever.  It's been tough because I don't have as much time for my bestest friends, my family, and my boyfriend, but it's an adjustment that will take a little time. 
->SO other than that, if you don't know me so well- I'm a confident, respectful, truthful, beautiful, caring, hardworking, loving individual with a lot on her plate. I can't express to you how much I LOVE my family. I could bail my eyes out right now thinking about it. Though we all live across the nation we keep up with each other on our personal family blog. I can't say how thankful I am for that.
->I LOVE my friends. SO much that sometimes it hurts. Lately, especially, I haven't been able to see a lot of them and when I do, it's for a small amount of time. That sucks. But, overall I have so many deep deep friendships that never loose any significance to me. (Despite the time or distance apart.) I would gladly do ANYTHING for my friends. (except maybe rob a bank.)
->My boyfriend Mike is my world. At the end of the day, he is it. He is the bees knees. If you are around us for 5 minutes, you will see how in love we are. We just recently celebrated our 3 year anniversary. (Actually we both forgot and my sister reminded us... hahahaha but Mike was totally smooth and had flowers/chocolate/card waiting for me when I got home from work.) He is the most caring, kind, friendly, non-judgmental, helpful, selfless, capable person I know. (Besides maybe my Dad?) Mike inspires me to be better. Not to mention my baby is stunningly handsome, sexy, smart (he graduated from ISU in June) and just- perfect. 
->IN SUMMARY: I love my family. I love my friends. I love Mike. I love my life. and I probably love you. 
->Until next time,
*look your best, feel your best, and act your best! *